Thursday, 3 February 2011

A walk along the river...

Jon decided for us to go on a pointless walk, but gave me chance to re shoot my boring tree shots...

I ended up with some interested shots using refelctions from the river off the sun and trees.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011


Mini project for college about trees, pretty boring tbh :(

I like this photograph because of the bit of the castle included, this was taken on runcorn hill when i was shooting my location shoot.

I like this shot because the trees are in a line infront of the church, not very exciting.. Tree's aren't really an exciting thing to photograph.
I like this shot because of the bridge in the background makes it that bit more interesting...
This is my favourite of the tree shoot, still not very interesting but i really like the shadows on the building to the left on the photograph... this was taken in widness on west bank whilst i was doing my facebook shot.

Studio work with baby Dylan :)

 This is the cutest picture out of the shoot, he was so good!! didn't cry once! :)

 i was thinking about using this one for my final image, but i wanted one with him holding the globe.

 i am using this one as my final image, i like it because he's looking at the globe and hes holding it, its very cute :) 

This is Kirsty and Dylan, this is my favourite one out of all my images, i like it because its natural and neither of them are looking into the camera and its really sweet. :)

The studio shoot went well, i was very proud of Dylan for being so good, it took an hour to get lots of lovely shots and i am happy with the outcomes.Also Ani has some nice portraits of her gorgeous son for her living room!! :)